Hey! I’m Daan,
a creative Product designer
Only one more designer left!!! Reach out before it's too late !!! #darkpatterns
User Experience
Even spacing
Team-driven environment
Movie night
Working next to a developer
User Experience Even spacing Team-driven environment Movie night Working next to a developer Photography
A Product designer approaching projects with the design thinking methodology. I am a connector: bringing different perspectives together through design sprints, hackathons and workshops.
And a can-do mentality: with my entrepreneurial mindset, I am able to bring an idea to execution and involve the right stakeholders.
At work
In life
I’m that guy that sends the most messages in WhatsApp groups, and I always organise family events and holiday trips. I’ve seen 17% of the world (45 countries). Oh, and I’ve never played a team sport. Strange, bc I’m actually the biggest teamplayer around.
Following in my grandfathers footsteps, traveling to every country in the world!