Hey! I’m Daan,
a creative Product designer

Only one more designer left!!! Reach out before it's too late !!! #darkpatterns

User Experience

Even spacing

Team-driven environment

Movie night

Working next to a developer


User Experience Even spacing Team-driven environment Movie night Working next to a developer Photography

A Product designer approaching projects with the design thinking methodology. I am a connector: bringing different perspectives together through design sprints, hackathons and workshops. 

And a can-do mentality: with my entrepreneurial mindset, I am able to bring an idea to execution and involve the right stakeholders.

At work

In life

I’m that guy that sends the most messages in WhatsApp groups, and I always organise family events and holiday trips. I’ve seen 17% of the world (45 countries). Oh, and I’ve never played a team sport. Strange, bc I’m actually the biggest teamplayer around.

Following in my grandfathers footsteps, traveling to every country in the world!

Say bye to clueless designing, say hi to solving problems. 👋

Amazing clients have allowed me to produce work I’m are proud of.